Saat 14:00'a kadar verilen siparişleriniz AYNI GÜN KARGO. 4500 TL ve üzeri KARGO BEDAVA

    Stage 2 Frankenstein Mary Shelley

    Yazar: Yayınevi: Winston Academy

    Saat 14:00'e kadar verdiğiniz siparişler aynı gün kargoya verilir.
    Saat 17:00'e kadar verdiğiniz siparişler ertesi gün servise çıkar.

    Ürün Açıklaması

    Victor Frankenstein is the first born child of his family and is the idol of his parents. He loved reading and learning new things as a child. He reads interesting books of old philosophers. When he loses his mother, he starts thinking about life and death. He even thinks about giving life himself. His ambition leads him to a creation that he cannot even take responsibility for or take care of. Even if it is a success in his studies, it brings a great misery to him in the end.


    Barkod 9786059242967

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