Saat 14:00'a kadar verilen siparişleriniz AYNI GÜN KARGO. 4500 TL ve üzeri KARGO BEDAVA

    Kalbim Küçük Sevgim Büyük (Ingilizce) Hekimoğlu Ismail

    Yazar: Hekimoğlu İsmail Yayınevi: Timaş Publishing

    Saat 14:00'e kadar verdiğiniz siparişler aynı gün kargoya verilir.
    Saat 17:00'e kadar verdiğiniz siparişler ertesi gün servise çıkar.

    Ürün Açıklaması

    People have many important abilities that 
    other living things don't have, such as speaking, 
    thinking and building. There is a special trait that 
    humans have that puts them above the rest of 
    creation. Do you know what that is? The difference that 
    puts people above ali of creation is faith. 
    Our faith is expressed by saying *I believe in Allah, the 
    angels, the Books, the Prophets, the Hereafter, in destiny, that good and evil come from Allah." As you 
    make your way through the pages of this book, you will 
    learn the principles of faith and get a taste of what it 
    means to have faith.


    Barkod 9786050814118

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    Yazar Hekimoğlu İsmail