Saat 14:00'a kadar verilen siparişleriniz AYNI GÜN KARGO. 4500 TL ve üzeri KARGO BEDAVA

    Applied And Theoretical Studies On Finance And Economics Kolektif

    Yazar: Yayınevi: Gazi Kitabevi

    Saat 14:00'e kadar verdiğiniz siparişler aynı gün kargoya verilir.
    Saat 17:00'e kadar verdiğiniz siparişler ertesi gün servise çıkar.

    Ürün Açıklaması

    Chapter 1. Investing to Create An Egalitarian Future: Gender Lens Investing And An Analysis of the First and Only Women-Empowering EquityBased Mutual Fund in Turkey
    Chapter 2. The Investigation of Pre-Post Financial Ratios of the Firms Issuing Seasoned Equity Offerings: Evidence From Borsa İstanbul
    Chapter 3. The Relationship Between Credit Default Swaps and Exchange Rate Volatility in the Turkish Context
    Chapter 4. The Relationship Between Inflation and Financial Development
    Chapter 5. Behavioral Finance Theories
    Chapter 6. Investigation of the Relationship Between Financial Development and Economic Growth In Turkey: Evidence From the Fourier Toda & Yamamoto Causality Test
    Chapter 7. Too Much Optimism in the Cryptocurrencies Market: A Critical Investigation
    Chapter 8. Circular Economy and Changing Consumption Patterns in Post-Modern Times


    Barkod 9786253650803

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